Sunday, February 24, 2008


every shot of Jonathan looks like this- has anyone seen him stand still lately?

Feb at Fresh Pressed 2

More photos...

Andi hard at work...

David working on his t-shirt with Monika watching...

Jonathan- the hardest working guy on Hollywood Blvd

Andi, Monika, Christen, and a couple of cool dudes (friends of Andi's)

February Fresh Pressed

First batch of photos from our fun at Fresh Pressed...

Chirsten's adorable design print test...

Alicia- pretty in pink


Dennis (new to the Pod) and Paula

Thursday, February 21, 2008

March Pod meeting at Hip Cooks Culver City!

First off, congratulations to Monika for opening her westside Hip Cooks location and landing an angel investor!

We're going to take advantage of our small window of opportunity and have or March Pod meeting at Hip Cooks Culver City.

We'll do something small and simple (more details to come) while catching up with everyone.

Thank you to Monika in advance!

Great time last night at Fresh Pressed!

I really enjoyed seeing the big turn out last night at Fresh Pressed! Big thank you to Jonathan for being so accomodating and wonderful in general. Jonathan- you've created an amazing space for creativity and community- you are visionary and heroic- and a super nice guy.
I'll post photos of last night soon!

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Design Pod Logo Contest!

(I had to get you here one way or another!)

We're holding a contest to see who can come up with the best logo for Design Pod. The winning logo will be featured printed on t-shirts and canvas totes and featured prominently on our blog with design credit.

The design may also appear on in conjunction with Grace's visit some time in March.

The goal is to capture the spirit of our Pod group with an eye toward future growth and expansion.

You can submit as many design as you like.

Have a cool concept but don't fancy yourself a designer? No problem. Submit whatever you have.

Entries can be submitted via email to Beth or posted on the blog.

All designs must be sumbitted by March 17 via email or in person at the March 19 Pod meeting.
The shy ones may submit anonymously.

We'll post all the designs at the March Pod meeting and cast votes into a box. The winner will be announced on the blog the following day.

There is so much talent in this group I can't wait to see what you come up with!

Post questions or comments here or shoot an email.

Good luck!